C4::ItemType - objects from the itemtypes table
use C4::ItemType; my @itemtypes = C4::ItemType->all; print join("\n", map { $_->description } @itemtypes), "\n";
Objects of this class represent a row in the itemtypes
Currently, the bare minimum for using this as a read-only data source has been implemented. The API was designed to make it easy to transition to an ORM later on.
Given a hashref, a new (in-memory) C4::ItemType object will be instantiated. The database is not touched.
This returns all the itemtypes as objects. By default they're ordered by description
Return the itemtype indicated by the itemtype given as argument, as an object.
These are read-only accessors for attributes of a C4::ItemType object.
The following modules make reference to the itemtypes
C4::Biblio, C4::Circulation, C4::Context, C4::Items, C4::Koha, C4::Labels, C4::Overdues, C4::Reserves, C4::Search, C4::VirtualShelves::Page, C4::VirtualShelves, C4::XSLT
John Beppu <john.beppu@liblime.com>