( $tag, $subfield ) = &GetAuthMARCFromKohaField ($kohafield,$authtypecode);
returns tag and subfield linked to kohafield
Comment : Suppose Kohafield is only linked to ONE subfield
(\@finalresult, $nbresults)= &SearchAuthorities($tags, $and_or, $excluding, $operator, $value, $offset,$length,$authtypecode, $sortby[, $skipmetadata])
returns ref to array result and count of results returned
$count= &CountUsage($authid)
counts Usage of Authid in bibliorecords.
$count= &CountUsageChildren($authid)
counts Usage of narrower terms of Authid in bibliorecords.
$authtypecode= &GetAuthTypeCode($authid)
returns authtypecode of an authid
my $authtypecode = GuessAuthTypeCode($record);
Get the record and tries to guess the adequate authtypecode from its content.
my $authtid = GuessAuthId($record);
Get the record and tries to guess the adequate authtypecode from its content.
$tagslabel= &GetTagsLabels($forlibrarian,$authtypecode)
returns a ref to hashref of authorities tag and subfield structure.
tagslabel usage :
where attribute takes values in :
lib tab mandatory repeatable authorised_value authtypecode value_builder kohafield seealso hidden isurl link
$authid= &AddAuthority($record, $authid,$authtypecode)
Either Create Or Modify existing authority. returns authid of the newly created authority
$authid= &DelAuthority($authid)
Deletes $authid
$authid= &ModAuthority($authid,$record,$authtypecode)
Modifies authority record, optionally updates attached biblios.
$marcxml= &GetAuthorityXML( $authid)
returns xml form of record $authid
$record= &GetAuthority( $authid)
Returns MARC::Record of the authority passed in parameter.
$result = &GetAuthType($authtypecode)
If the authority type specified by $authtypecode
exists, returns a hashref of the type's fields. If the type does not exist, returns undef.
$record= &FindDuplicateAuthority( $record, $authtypecode)
return $authid,Summary if duplicate is found.
Comments : an improvement would be to return All the records that match.
$summary= &BuildSummary( $record, $authid, $authtypecode)
Returns a hashref with a summary of the specified record.
Comment : authtypecode can be infered from both record and authid. Moreover, authid can also be inferred from $record. Would it be interesting to delete those things.
$heading = &GetAuthorizedHeading({ record => $record, authid => $authid })
Takes a MARC::Record object describing an authority record or an authid, and returns a string representation of the first authorized heading. This routine should be considered a temporary shim to ease the future migration of authority data from C4::AuthoritiesMarc to the object-oriented Koha::*::Authority.
$text= &BuildUnimarcHierarchies( $authid, $force)
return text containing trees for hierarchies for them to be stored in auth_header
Example of text: 122,1314,2452;1324,2342,3,2452
$ref= &BuildUnimarcHierarchy( $record, $class,$authid)
return a hashref in order to display hierarchy for record and final Authid $authid
"loopparents" "loopchildren" "class" "loopauthid" "current_value" "value"
"ifparents" "ifchildren" Those two latest ones should disappear soon.
$ref= &GetHeaderAuthority( $authid)
return a hashref in order auth_header table data
$ref= &AddAuthorityTrees( $authid, $trees)
return success or failure
$ref= &merge(mergefrom,$MARCfrom,$mergeto,$MARCto)
Could add some feature : Migrating from a typecode to an other for instance. Then we should add some new parameter : bibliotargettag, authtargettag
my ($tag, $subfield) = get_auth_type_location($auth_type_code);
Get the tag and subfield used to store the heading type for indexing purposes. The $auth_type
parameter is optional; if it is not supplied, assume ''.
This routine searches the MARC authority framework for the tag and subfield whose kohafield is auth_header.authtypecode
; if no such field is defined in the framework, default to the hardcoded value specific to the MARC format.
Koha Development Team <http://koha-community.org/>
Paul POULAIN paul.poulain@free.fr