C4::Serials - Serials Module Functions
use C4::Serials;
Functions for handling subscriptions, claims routing etc.
$supplierlist = GetSuppliersWithLateIssues()
this function get all suppliers with late issues.
return : an array_ref of suppliers each entry is a hash_ref containing id and name the array is in name order
@issuelist = GetLateIssues($supplierid)
this function selects late issues from the database
return : the issuelist as an array. Each element of this array contains a hashi_ref containing name,title,planneddate,serialseq,serial.subscriptionid from tables : subscription, serial & biblio
$sth = GetSubscriptionHistoryFromSubscriptionId() this function prepares the SQL request and returns the statement handle After this function, don't forget to execute it by using $sth->execute($subscriptionid)
$sth = GetSerialStatusFromSerialId(); this function returns a statement handle After this function, don't forget to execute it by using $sth->execute($serialid) return : $sth = $dbh->prepare($query).
$data = GetSerialInformation($serialid); returns a hash_ref containing : items : items marcrecord (can be an array) serial table field subscription table field + information about subscription expiration
$rows = AddItem2Serial($serialid,$itemnumber); Adds an itemnumber to Serial record returns the number of rows affected
Update Claimdate for issues in @$serialids list with date $date (Take Today if none)
$subs = GetSubscription($subscriptionid) this function returns the subscription which has $subscriptionid as id. return : a hashref. This hash containts subscription, subscriptionhistory, aqbudget.bookfundid, biblio.title
$array_ref = GetFullSubscription($subscriptionid) this function reads the serial table.
$array_ref = PrepareSerialsData($serialinfomation) where serialinformation is a hashref array
$array_ref = GetSubscriptionsFromBiblionumber($biblionumber) this function get the subscription list. it reads the subscription table. return : reference to an array of subscriptions which have the biblionumber given on input arg. each element of this array is a hashref containing startdate, histstartdate,opacnote,missinglist,recievedlist,periodicity,status & enddate
$array_ref = GetFullSubscriptionsFromBiblionumber($biblionumber) this function reads the serial table.
@results = GetSubscriptions($title,$ISSN,$biblionumber); this function gets all subscriptions which have title like $title,ISSN like $ISSN and biblionumber like $biblionumber. return: a table of hashref. Each hash containt the subscription.
($totalissues,@serials) = GetSerials($subscriptionid); this function gets every serial not arrived for a given subscription as well as the number of issues registered in the database (all types) this number is used to see if a subscription can be deleted (=it must have only 1 issue)
FIXME: We should return \@serials.
@serials = GetSerials2($subscriptionid,$status); this function returns every serial waited for a given subscription as well as the number of issues registered in the database (all types) this number is used to see if a subscription can be deleted (=it must have only 1 issue)
\@serials = GetLatestSerials($subscriptionid,$limit) get the $limit's latest serials arrived or missing for a given subscription return : a ref to an array which contains all of the latest serials stored into a hash.
$distributedto=GetDistributedTo($subscriptionid) This function returns the field distributedto for the subscription matching subscriptionid
GetNextSeq($val) $val is a hashref containing all the attributes of the table 'subscription' This function get the next issue for the subscription given on input arg return: a list containing all the input params updated.
$calculated = GetSeq($val) $val is a hashref containing all the attributes of the table 'subscription' this function transforms {X},{Y},{Z} to 150,0,0 for example. return: the sequence in integer format
$sensddate = GetExpirationDate($subscriptionid, [$startdate])
this function return the next expiration date for a subscription given on input args.
return the enddate or undef
$subscriptionsnumber = CountSubscriptionFromBiblionumber($biblionumber) this returns a count of the subscriptions for a given biblionumber return : the number of subscriptions
this function modifies the history of a subscription. Put your new values on input arg. returns the number of rows affected
ModSerialStatus($serialid,$serialseq, $planneddate,$publisheddate,$status,$notes)
This function modify the serial status. Serial status is a number.(eg 2 is "arrived") Note : if we change from "waited" to something else,then we will have to create a new "waited" entry
$nextexpected = GetNextExpected($subscriptionid)
Get the planneddate for the current expected issue of the subscription.
returns a hashref:
$nextexepected = { serialid => int planneddate => C4::Dates object }
Update the planneddate for the current expected issue of the subscription. This will modify all future prediction results.
is a C4::Dates object.
returns 0
this function modifies a subscription. Put all new values on input args. returns the number of rows affected
$subscriptionid = &NewSubscription($auser,branchcode,$aqbooksellerid,$cost,$aqbudgetid,$biblionumber, $startdate,$periodicity,$dow,$numberlength,$weeklength,$monthlength, $add1,$every1,$whenmorethan1,$setto1,$lastvalue1,$innerloop1, $add2,$every2,$whenmorethan2,$setto2,$lastvalue2,$innerloop2, $add3,$every3,$whenmorethan3,$setto3,$lastvalue3,$innerloop3, $numberingmethod, $status, $notes, $serialsadditems, $staffdisplaycount, $opacdisplaycount, $graceperiod, $location, $enddate);
Create a new subscription with value given on input args.
return : the id of this new subscription
this function renew a subscription with values given on input args.
NewIssue($serialseq,$subscriptionid,$biblionumber,$status, $planneddate, $publisheddate, $notes)
Create a new issue stored on the database. Note : we have to update the recievedlist and missinglist on subscriptionhistory for this subscription. returns the serial id
ItemizeSerials($serialid, $info); $info is a hashref containing barcode branch, itemcallnumber, status, location $serialid the serialid return : 1 if the itemize is a succes. 0 and @error otherwise. @error containts the list of errors found.
1 or 0 = HasSubscriptionStrictlyExpired($subscriptionid)
the subscription has stricly expired when today > the end subscription date
return : 1 if true, 0 if false, -1 if the expiration date is not set.
$has_expired = HasSubscriptionExpired($subscriptionid)
the subscription has expired when the next issue to arrive is out of subscription limit.
return : 0 if the subscription has not expired 1 if the subscription has expired 2 if has subscription does not have a valid expiration date set
SetDistributedto($distributedto,$subscriptionid); This function update the value of distributedto for a subscription given on input arg.
DelSubscription($subscriptionid) this function deletes subscription which has $subscriptionid as id.
DelIssue($serialseq,$subscriptionid) this function deletes an issue which has $serialseq and $subscriptionid given on input arg.
returns the number of rows affected
@issuelist = GetLateMissingIssues($supplierid,$serialid)
this function selects missing issues on database - where serial.status = 4 or serial.status=3 or planneddate<now
return : the issuelist as an array of hash refs. Each element of this array contains name,title,planneddate,serialseq,serial.subscriptionid from tables : subscription, serial & biblio
this function removes an issue from being part of the missing string in subscriptionlist.missinglist column
called when a missing issue is found from the serials-recieve.pl file
this function updates the time when a claim is issued for late/missing items
called from claims.pl file
$result = getsupplierbyserialid($serialid)
this function is used to find the supplier id given a serial id
return : hashref containing serialid, subscriptionid, and aqbooksellerid
$result = &check_routing($subscriptionid)
this function checks to see if a serial has a routing list and returns the count of routingid used to show either an 'add' or 'edit' link
this function takes a borrowernumber and subscriptionid and adds the member to the routing list for that serial subscription and gives them a rank on the list of either 1 or highest current rank + 1
this function is used to reorder the routing list
it takes the routingid of the member one wants to re-rank and the rank it is to move to - it gets all members on list puts their routingid's into an array - removes the one in the array that is $routingid - then reinjects $routingid at point indicated by $rank - then update the database with the routingids in the new order
this function either deletes one member from routing list if $routingid exists otherwise deletes all members from the routing list
($count,@routinglist) = getroutinglist($subscriptionid)
this gets the info from the subscriptionroutinglist for $subscriptionid
return : a count of the number of members on routinglist the routinglist as an array. Each element of the array contains a hash_ref containing routingid - a unique id, borrowernumber, ranking, and biblionumber of subscription
$result = countissuesfrom($subscriptionid,$startdate)
Returns a count of serial rows matching the given subsctiptionid with published date greater than startdate
$result = CountIssues($subscriptionid)
Returns a count of serial rows matching the given subsctiptionid
$result = HasItems($subscriptionid)
returns a count of items from serial matching the subscriptionid
$result = abouttoexpire($subscriptionid)
this function alerts you to the penultimate issue for a serial subscription
returns 1 - if this is the penultimate issue returns 0 - if not
$resultdate = GetNextDate($planneddate,$subscription)
this function it takes the planneddate and will return the next issue's date and will skip dates if there exists an irregularity - eg if periodicity is monthly and $planneddate is 2007-02-10 but if March and April is to be skipped then the returned date will be 2007-05-10
return : $resultdate - then next date in the sequence
Return 0 if periodicity==0
$item = itemdata($barcode);
Looks up the item with the given barcode, and returns a reference-to-hash containing information about that item. The keys of the hash are the fields from the items
and biblioitems
tables in the Koha database.
Koha Developement team <info@koha.org>