C4::RotatingCollections - Functions for managing rotating collections
Input: $title: short description of the club or service $description: long description of the club or service Output: $success: 1 if all database operations were successful, 0 otherwise $errorCode: Code for reason of failure, good for translating errors in templates $errorMessage: English description of error
Input: $colId: id of the collection to be updated $title: short description of the club or service $description: long description of the club or service Output: $success: 1 if all database operations were successful, 0 otherwise $errorCode: Code for reason of failure, good for translating errors in templates $errorMessage: English description of error
Input: $colId : id of the Archtype to be deleted Output: $success: 1 if all database operations were successful, 0 otherwise $errorCode: Code for reason of failure, good for translating errors in templates $errorMessage: English description of error
Output: On Success: $results: Reference to an array of associated arrays On Failure: $errorCode: Code for reason of failure, good for translating errors in templates $errorMessage: English description of error
Input: $colId: The id of the collection Output: $results: Reference to an array of associated arrays $success: 1 if all database operations were successful, 0 otherwise $errorCode: Code for reason of failure, good for translating errors in templates $errorMessage: English description of error
Input: $colId: Id of the collection Output: $colId, $colTitle, $colDesc, $colBranchcode
Input: $colId: Collection to add the item to. $itemnumber: Item to be added to the collection Output: $success: 1 if all database operations were successful, 0 otherwise $errorCode: Code for reason of failure, good for translating errors in templates $errorMessage: English description of error
Input: $colId: Collection to add the item to. $itemnumber: Item to be removed from collection Output: $success: 1 if all database operations were successful, 0 otherwise $errorCode: Code for reason of failure, good for translating errors in templates $errorMessage: English description of error
Input: $colId: id of the collection to be updated $colBranchcode: branch where collection is moving to Output: $success: 1 if all database operations were successful, 0 otherwise $errorCode: Code for reason of failure, good for translating errors in templates $errorMessage: English description of error
Kyle Hall <kylemhall@gmail.com>