

 this module is a new interface, allow to the librarian to check all items on overdues (based on the acountlines type 'FU' )
 this interface is filtered by branches (automatically), and by location (optional) ....
 all informations are stocked in the notifys BDD

 FIXME for this time, we have only four methods to notify :
        - mail : work with a batch programm
        - letter : for us, the letters are generated by an open-office program
        - phone : Simple method, when the method 'phone' is selected, we consider, that the borrower as been notified, and the notify send date is implemented
        - considered lost : for us if the document is on the third overduelevel,

 FIXME the methods are actually hardcoded for the levels : (maybe can be improved by a new possibility in overduerule)

        level 1 : three methods are possible : - mail, letter, phone
        level 2 : only one method is possible : - letter
        level 3 : only methode is possible  : - Considered Lost

        the documents displayed on this interface, are checked on three points
        - 1) the document must be on accountlines (Type 'FU')
        - 2) item issues is not returned
        - 3) this item as not been already notify
