

C4::Search - Functions for searching the Koha catalog.


See opac/opac-search.pl or catalogue/search.pl for example of usage


This module provides searching functions for Koha's bibliographic databases



$dbh is a link to the DB handler.

use C4::Context; my $dbh =C4::Context->dbh;

$fields is a reference to the fields array

This function modifies the @$fields array and adds related fields to search on.

FIXME: this function is probably deprecated in Koha 3


($biblionumber,$biblionumber,$title) = FindDuplicate($record);

This function attempts to find duplicate records using a hard-coded, fairly simplistic algorithm


( $error, $results, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch( $query, $offset, $max_results, [@servers] );

This function provides a simple search API on the bibliographic catalog

input arg:
    * $query can be a simple keyword or a complete CCL query
    * @servers is optional. Defaults to biblioserver as found in koha-conf.xml
    * $offset - If present, represents the number of records at the beggining to omit. Defaults to 0
    * $max_results - if present, determines the maximum number of records to fetch. undef is All. defaults to undef.
    * $error is a empty unless an error is detected
    * \@results is an array of records.
    * $total_hits is the number of hits that would have been returned with no limit
usage in the script:

my ( $error, $marcresults, $total_hits ) = SimpleSearch($query);

if (defined $error) { $template->param(query_error => $error); warn "error: ".$error; output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output; exit; }

my $hits = scalar @$marcresults; my @results;

for my $i (0..$hits) { my %resultsloop; my $marcrecord = MARC::File::USMARC::decode($marcresults->[$i]); my $biblio = TransformMarcToKoha(C4::Context->dbh,$marcrecord,'');

    #build the hash for the template.
    $resultsloop{highlight}       = ($i % 2)?(1):(0);
    $resultsloop{title}           = $biblio->{'title'};
    $resultsloop{subtitle}        = $biblio->{'subtitle'};
    $resultsloop{biblionumber}    = $biblio->{'biblionumber'};
    $resultsloop{author}          = $biblio->{'author'};
    $resultsloop{publishercode}   = $biblio->{'publishercode'};
    $resultsloop{publicationyear} = $biblio->{'publicationyear'};

    push @results, \%resultsloop;



( undef, $results_hashref, \@facets_loop ) = getRecords (

        $koha_query,       $simple_query, $sort_by_ref,    $servers_ref,
        $results_per_page, $offset,       $expanded_facet, $branches,
        $query_type,       $scan

The all singing, all dancing, multi-server, asynchronous, scanning, searching, record nabbing, facet-building

See verbse embedded documentation.


( $error, $query, $simple_query, $query_cgi, $query_desc, $limit, $limit_cgi, $limit_desc, $stopwords_removed, $query_type ) = getRecords ( $operators, $operands, $indexes, $limits, $sort_by, $scan);

Build queries and limits in CCL, CGI, Human, handle truncation, stemming, field weighting, stopwords, fuzziness, etc.

See verbose embedded documentation.


Format results in a form suitable for passing to the template


  NZgetRecords has the same API as zera getRecords, even if some parameters are not managed


  NZanalyse : get a CQL string as parameter, and returns a list of biblionumber;title,biblionumber;title,...
  the list is built from an inverted index in the nozebra SQL table
  note that title is here only for convenience : the sorting will be very fast when requested on title
  if the sorting is requested on something else, we will have to reread all results, and that may be longer.


  $finalresult = NZorder($biblionumbers, $ordering,$results_per_page,$offset);
  TODO :: Description


Koha Developement team <info@koha.org>
