C4::ClassSortRoutine - base object for creation of classification sorting key generation routines
use C4::ClassSortRoutine;
my @routines = GetSortRoutineNames();
Get names of all modules under C4::ClassSortRoutine::*. Adding a new classification sorting routine can therefore be done simply by writing a new submodule under C4::ClassSortRoutine and placing it in the C4/ClassSortRoutine directory.
my $cn_sort = GetClassSortKey($sort_routine, $cn_class, $cn_item);
Generates classification sorting key. If $sort_routine does not point to a valid submodule in C4::ClassSortRoutine, default to a basic normalization routine.
Basic sorting function. Concatenates classification part and item, converts to uppercase, changes each run of whitespace to '_', and removes any non-digit, non-latin letter characters.
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