TODO :: Description here
C4::Scrubber is used to remove all markup content from the sumitted text.
CGISESSID 7c6288263107beb320f70f78fd767f56 newtag396 fire,+<a+href="foobar.html">foobar</a>,+<img+src="foo.jpg"+/>
So this request is trying to add 3 tags to biblio #396. The CGISESSID is the same as that the browser would typically communicate using cookies. If it is valid, the server will split the value of "newtag396" and process the components for addition. In this case the intended tags are: fire <a+href="foobar.html">foobar</a> <img src="foo.jpg" />
The first tag is acceptable. The second will be scrubbed of markup, resulting in the tag "foobar". The third tag is all markup, and will be rejected.
response = { added: 2, deleted: 0, errors: 2, alerts: [ KOHA.Tags.tag_message.scrubbed("foobar"), KOHA.Tags.tag_message.scrubbed_all_bad("1"), ], };