

C4::Members - Perl Module containing convenience functions for member handling


use C4::Members;


This module contains routines for adding, modifying and deleting members/patrons/borrowers


  ($count, $borrowers) = &SearchMember($searchstring, $type,$category_type,$filter,$showallbranches);

Looks up patrons (borrowers) by name.

BUGFIX 499: $type is now used to determine type of search. if $type is "simple", search is performed on the first letter of the surname only.

$category_type is used to get a specified type of user. (mainly adults when creating a child.)

$searchstring is a space-separated list of search terms. Each term must match the beginning a borrower's surname, first name, or other name.

$filter is assumed to be a list of elements to filter results on

$showallbranches is used in IndependantBranches Context to display all branches results.

&SearchMember returns a two-element list. $borrowers is a reference-to-array; each element is a reference-to-hash, whose keys are the fields of the borrowers table in the Koha database. $count is the number of elements in $borrowers.


($borrower, $flags) = &GetMemberDetails($borrowernumber, $cardnumber);

Looks up a patron and returns information about him or her. If $borrowernumber is true (nonzero), &GetMemberDetails looks up the borrower by number; otherwise, it looks up the borrower by card number.

$borrower is a reference-to-hash whose keys are the fields of the borrowers table in the Koha database. In addition, $borrower->{flags} is a hash giving more detailed information about the patron. Its keys act as flags :

    if $borrower->{flags}->{LOST} {
        # Patron's card was reported lost

Each flag has a message key, giving a human-readable explanation of the flag. If the state of a flag means that the patron should not be allowed to borrow any more books, then it will have a noissues key with a true value.

The possible flags are:


Shows the patron's credit or debt, if any.


(Gone, no address.) Set if the patron has left without giving a forwarding address.


Set if the patron's card has been reported as lost.


Set if the patron has been debarred.


Any additional notes about the patron.


Set if the patron has overdue items. This flag has several keys:

$flags->{ODUES}{itemlist} is a reference-to-array listing the overdue items. Its elements are references-to-hash, each describing an overdue item. The keys are selected fields from the issues, biblio, biblioitems, and items tables of the Koha database.

$flags->{ODUES}{itemlist} is a string giving a text listing of the overdue items, one per line.


Set if any items that the patron has reserved are available.

$flags->{WAITING}{itemlist} is a reference-to-array listing the available items. Each element is a reference-to-hash whose keys are fields from the reserves table of the Koha database.


 Not exported

 NOTE!: If you change this function, be sure to update the POD for

 $flags = &patronflags($patron);

        {message}    Message showing patron's credit or debt
       {noissues}    Set if patron owes >$5.00
         {GNA}            Set if patron gone w/o address
        {message}    "Borrower has no valid address"
        {noissues}    Set.
        {LOST}        Set if patron's card reported lost
        {message}    Message to this effect
        {noissues}    Set.
        {DBARRED}        Set is patron is debarred
        {message}    Message to this effect
        {noissues}    Set.
         {NOTES}        Set if patron has notes
        {message}    Notes about patron
         {ODUES}        Set if patron has overdue books
        {message}    "Yes"
        {itemlist}    ref-to-array: list of overdue books
        {itemlisttext}    Text list of overdue items
         {WAITING}        Set if there are items available that the
                patron reserved
        {message}    Message to this effect
        {itemlist}    ref-to-array: list of available items
  $borrower = &GetMember($information, $type);

Looks up information about a patron (borrower) by either card number ,firstname, or borrower number, depending on $type value. If $type == 'cardnumber', &GetBorrower searches by cardnumber then by firstname if not found in cardnumber; otherwise, it searches by borrowernumber.

&GetBorrower returns a reference-to-hash whose keys are the fields of the borrowers table in the Koha database.

  ($borrowed, $due, $fine) = &GetMemberIssuesAndFines($borrowernumber);

Returns aggregate data about items borrowed by the patron with the given borrowernumber.

&GetMemberIssuesAndFines returns a three-element array. $borrowed is the number of books the patron currently has borrowed. $due is the number of overdue items the patron currently has borrowed. $fine is the total fine currently due by the borrower.


Modify borrower's data. All date fields should ALREADY be in ISO format.

  $borrowernumber = &AddMember(%borrower);

insert new borrower into table Returns the borrowernumber


Warning: The caller is responsible for locking the members table in write mode, to avoid database corruption.


  ($num_children, $children_arrayref) = &GetGuarantees($parent_borrno);
  $child0_cardno = $children_arrayref->[0]{"cardnumber"};
  $child0_borrno = $children_arrayref->[0]{"borrowernumber"};

&GetGuarantees takes a borrower number (e.g., that of a patron with children) and looks up the borrowers who are guaranteed by that borrower (i.e., the patron's children).

&GetGuarantees returns two values: an integer giving the number of borrowers guaranteed by $parent_borrno, and a reference to an array of references to hash, which gives the actual results.



&UpdateGuarantees borrower data for an adulte and updates all the guarantees with the modified information


  ($count, $issues) = &GetPendingIssues($borrowernumber);

Looks up what the patron with the given borrowernumber has borrowed.

&GetPendingIssues returns a two-element array. $issues is a reference-to-array, where each element is a reference-to-hash; the keys are the fields from the issues, biblio, and items tables in the Koha database. $count is the number of elements in $issues.


  ($count, $issues) = &GetAllIssues($borrowernumber, $sortkey, $limit);

Looks up what the patron with the given borrowernumber has borrowed, and sorts the results.

$sortkey is the name of a field on which to sort the results. This should be the name of a field in the issues, biblio, biblioitems, or items table in the Koha database.

$limit is the maximum number of results to return.

&GetAllIssues returns a two-element array. $issues is a reference-to-array, where each element is a reference-to-hash; the keys are the fields from the issues, biblio, biblioitems, and items tables of the Koha database. $count is the number of elements in $issues


  ($total, $acctlines, $count) = &GetMemberAccountRecords($borrowernumber);

Looks up accounting data for the patron with the given borrowernumber.

&GetMemberAccountRecords returns a three-element array. $acctlines is a reference-to-array, where each element is a reference-to-hash; the keys are the fields of the accountlines table in the Koha database. $count is the number of elements in $acctlines. $total is the total amount outstanding for all of the account lines.


  ($count, $acctlines, $total) = &GetBorNotifyAcctRecord($params,$notifyid);

Looks up accounting data for the patron with the given borrowernumber per file number.

(FIXME - I'm not at all sure what this is about.)

&GetBorNotifyAcctRecord returns a three-element array. $acctlines is a reference-to-array, where each element is a reference-to-hash; the keys are the fields of the accountlines table in the Koha database. $count is the number of elements in $acctlines. $total is the total amount outstanding for all of the account lines.

checkuniquemember (OUEST-PROVENCE)

  ($result,$categorycode)  = &checkuniquemember($collectivity,$surname,$firstname,$dateofbirth);

Checks that a member exists or not in the database.

&result is nonzero (=exist) or 0 (=does not exist) &categorycode is from categorycode table &collectivity is 1 (= we add a collectivity) or 0 (= we add a physical member) &surname is the surname &firstname is the firstname (only if collectivity=0) &dateofbirth is the date of birth in ISO format (only if collectivity=0)

getzipnamecity (OUEST-PROVENCE)

take all info from table city for the fields city and zip check for the name and the zip code of the city selected


recover cityid with city_name condition


  $expirydate = GetExpiryDate($categorycode, $dateenrolled);

Calculate expiry date given a categorycode and starting date. Date argument must be in ISO format. Return date is also in ISO format.

checkuserpassword (OUEST-PROVENCE)

check for the password and login are not used return the number of record 0=> NOT USED 1=> USED


  ($codes_arrayref, $labels_hashref) = &GetborCatFromCatType();

Looks up the different types of borrowers in the database. Returns two elements: a reference-to-array, which lists the borrower category codes, and a reference-to-hash, which maps the borrower category codes to category descriptions.


  $hashref = &GetBorrowercategory($categorycode);

Given the borrower's category code, the function returns the corresponding data hashref for a comprehensive information display.


  ($codes_arrayref, $labels_hashref) = &ethnicitycategories();

Looks up the different ethnic types in the database. Returns two elements: a reference-to-array, which lists the ethnicity codes, and a reference-to-hash, which maps the ethnicity codes to ethnicity descriptions.


  $ethn_name = &fixEthnicity($ethn_code);

Takes an ethnicity code (e.g., "european" or "pi") and returns the corresponding descriptive name from the ethnicity table in the Koha database ("European" or "Pacific Islander").


  $dateofbirth,$date = &GetAge($date);

this function return the borrowers age with the value of dateofbirth

get_institutions $insitutions = get_institutions();

Just returns a list of all the borrowers of type I, borrownumber and name



Takes a borrowernumber and a list of other borrowernumbers and inserts them into the borrowers_to_borrowers table


  ($id_cityarrayref, $city_hashref) = &GetCities();

Looks up the different city and zip in the database. Returns two elements: a reference-to-array, which lists the zip city codes, and a reference-to-hash, which maps the name of the city. WHERE =>OUEST PROVENCE OR EXTERIEUR


  ($lib) = &GetSortDetails($category,$sortvalue);

Returns the authorized value details &$libreturn value of authorized value details &$sortvaluethis is the value of authorized value &$categorythis is the value of authorized value category


  () = &DeleteBorrower($member);

delete all data fo borrowers and add record to deletedborrowers table &$memberthis is the borrowernumber



This function remove directly a borrower whitout writing it on deleteborrower. + Deletes reserves for the borrower

ExtendMemberSubscriptionTo (OUEST-PROVENCE)

    $date = ExtendMemberSubscriptionTo($borrowerid, $date);

Extending the subscription to a given date or to the expiry date calculated on ISO date. Returns ISO date.


  ($idroadtypearrayref, $roadttype_hashref) = &GetRoadTypes();

Looks up the different road type . Returns two elements: a reference-to-array, which lists the id_roadtype codes, and a reference-to-hash, which maps the road type of the road .


  ($borrowertitle)= &GetTitles();

Looks up the different title . Returns array with all borrowers title

GetRoadTypeDetails (OUEST-PROVENCE)

  ($roadtype) = &GetRoadTypeDetails($roadtypeid);

Returns the description of roadtype &$roadtypereturn description of road type &$roadtypeidthis is the value of roadtype s



this function get all borrowers who haven't borrowed since the date given on input arg.


$results = &GetBorrowersWhoHaveNeverBorrowed

this function get all borrowers who have never borrowed.

$result is a ref to an array which all elements are a hasref.


$results = &GetBorrowersWithIssuesHistoryOlderThan($date)

this function get all borrowers who has an issue history older than $date given on input arg.

$result is a ref to an array which all elements are a hashref. This hashref is containt the number of time this borrowers has borrowed before $date and the borrowernumber.


Koha Team


Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:

Around line 237:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'

Around line 486:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 578:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'

Around line 580:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 645:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'

Around line 647:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 880:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'

Around line 1821:

=back without =over
