C4::Circulation - Koha circulation module
use C4::Circulation;
The functions in this module deal with circulation, issues, and returns, as well as general information about the library. Also deals with stocktaking.
($dotransfer, $messages, $iteminformation) = &transferbook($newbranch, $barcode, $ignore_reserves);
Transfers an item to a new branch. If the item is currently on loan, it is automatically returned before the actual transfer.
is the code for the branch to which the item should be transferred.
is the barcode of the item to be transferred.
If $ignore_reserves
is true,
ignores reserves.
if an item is reserved,
the transfer fails.
Returns three values:
is true if the transfer was successful.
is a reference-to-hash which may have any of the following keys:
There is no item in the catalog with the given barcode.
The value is $barcode
The item's home branch is permanent. This doesn't prevent the item from being transferred, though. The value is the code of the item's home branch.
The item is already at the branch to which it is being transferred. The transfer is nonetheless considered to have failed. The value should be ignored.
The item was on loan,
and &transferbook
automatically returned it before transferring it.
The value is the borrower number of the patron who had the item.
The item was reserved.
The value is a reference-to-hash whose keys are fields from the reserves table of the Koha database,
and biblioitemnumber
It also has the key ResFound
whose value is either Waiting
or Reserved
The item was eligible to be transferred. Barring problems communicating with the database, the transfer should indeed have succeeded. The value should be ignored.
Check if a book can be issued.
my ($issuingimpossible,$needsconfirmation) = CanBookBeIssued($borrower,$barcode,$year,$month,$day);
hash with borrower informations (from GetMemberDetails)$barcode
is the bar code of the book being issued.$year
contains the date of the return (in case it's forced by "stickyduedate".Returns :
a reference to a hash.
It contains reasons why issuing is impossible.
Possible values are :sticky due date is invalid
borrower gone with no address
borrower declared it's card lost
borrower debarred
barcode unknown
item is not for loan
item withdrawn.
item is restricted (set by ??)
a reference to a hash.
It contains reasons why issuing is impossible.
Possible values are :
borrower has debts.
renewing, not issuing
issued to someone else.
reserved for someone else.
sticky due date is invalid
if the borrower borrows to much things
@issues = &itemissues($biblioitemnumber, $biblio);
Looks up information about who has borrowed the book(s) with the given biblioitemnumber.
is ignored.
returns an array of references-to-hash. The keys include the fields from the items
table in the Koha database. Additional keys include:
If the item is currently on loan, this gives the due date.
If the item is not on loan, then this is either "Available" or "Cancelled", if the item has been withdrawn.
If the item is currently on loan, this gives the card number of the patron who currently has the item.
, timestamp1
, timestamp2
These give the timestamp for the last three times the item was borrowed.
, card1
, card2
The card number of the last three patrons who borrowed this item.
, borrower1
, borrower2
The borrower number of the last three patrons who borrowed this item.
$issuingimpossible, $needsconfirmation = CanBookBeIssued( $borrower, $barcode, $duedatespec, $inprocess ); $duedatespec
is a C4::Dates object. $issuingimpossible
and $needsconfirmation
are some hashref.
Issue a book. Does no check, they are done in CanBookBeIssued. If we reach this sub, it means the user confirmed if needed.
hash with borrower informations (from GetMemberDetails)$barcode
is the bar code of the book being issued.$date
contains the max date of return. calculated if empty.AddIssue does the following things : - step 01: check that there is a borrowernumber & a barcode provided - check for RENEWAL (book issued & being issued to the same patron) - renewal YES = Calculate Charge & renew - renewal NO = * BOOK ACTUALLY ISSUED ? do a return if book is actually issued (but to someone else) * RESERVE PLACED ? - fill reserve if reserve to this patron - cancel reserve or not, otherwise * TRANSFERT PENDING ? - complete the transfert * ISSUE THE BOOK
Get loan length for an itemtype, a borrower type and a branch
my $loanlength = &GetLoanLength($borrowertype,$itemtype,branchcode)
($doreturn, $messages, $iteminformation, $borrower) = &AddReturn($barcode, $branch, $exemptfine);
Returns a book.
is the bar code of the book being returned. $branch
is the code of the branch where the book is being returned. $exemptfine
indicates that overdue charges for the item will not be applied.
returns a list of four items:
is true iff the return succeeded.
is a reference-to-hash giving the reason for failure:
No item with this barcode exists. The value is $barcode
The book is not currently on loan. The value is $barcode
The book's home branch is a permanent collection. If you have borrowed this book, you are not allowed to return it. The value is the code for the book's home branch.
This book has been withdrawn/cancelled. The value should be ignored.
The item was reserved. The value is a reference-to-hash whose keys are fields from the reserves table of the Koha database, and biblioitemnumber
. It also has the key ResFound
, whose value is either Waiting
, Reserved
, or 0.
is a reference-to-hash, giving information about the patron who last borrowed the book.
&FixOverduesOnReturn($brn,$itm, $exemptfine);
internal function, called only by AddReturn
Calculates the charge for a book lost and returned (Not exported & used only once)
is a hashref to iteminfo. Only {itemnumber} is used.
is a hashref to borrower. Only {borrowernumber is used.
Internal function, called by AddReturn
$issues = &GetItemIssue($itemnumber);
Returns patrons currently having a book. nothing if item is not issued atm
is the itemnumber
Returns an array of hashes
$issues = &GetItemIssues($itemnumber, $history);
Returns patrons that have issued a book
is the itemnumber $history
is 0 if you want actuel "issuer" (if it exist) and 1 if you want issues history
Returns an array of hashes
$issues = GetBiblioIssues($biblionumber);
this function get all issues from a biblionumber.
Return: $issues
is a reference to array which each value is ref-to-hash. This ref-to-hash containts all column from tables issues and the firstname,surname & cardnumber from borrowers.
$ok = &CanBookBeRenewed($borrowernumber, $itemnumber);
Find out whether a borrowed item may be renewed.
is a DBI handle to the Koha database.
is the borrower number of the patron who currently has the item on loan.
is the number of the item to renew.
returns a true value iff the item may be renewed. The item must currently be on loan to the specified borrower; renewals must be allowed for the item's type; and the borrower must not have already renewed the loan.
&AddRenewal($borrowernumber, $itemnumber, $datedue);
Renews a loan.
is the borrower number of the patron who currently has the item.
is the number of the item to renew.
can be used to set the due date. If $datedue
is the empty string, &AddRenewal
will calculate the due date automatically from the book's item type. If you wish to set the due date manually, $datedue
should be in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
($charge, $item_type) = &GetIssuingCharges($itemnumber, $borrowernumber);
Calculate how much it would cost for a given patron to borrow a given item, including any applicable discounts.
is the item number of item the patron wishes to borrow.
is the patron's borrower number.
returns two values: $charge
is the rental charge, and $item_type
is the code for the item's item type (e.g., VID
if it's a video).
&AddIssuingCharge( $itemno, $borrowernumber, $charge )
@results = GetTransfersFromTo($frombranch,$tobranch);
Returns the list of pending transfers between $from and $to branch
$rows = AnonymiseIssueHistory($borrowernumber,$date)
This function write NULL instead of $borrowernumber
given on input arg into the table issues. if $borrowernumber
is not set, it will delete the issue history for all borrower older than $date
return the number of affected rows.
$items = updateWrongTransfer($itemNumber,$borrowernumber,$waitingAtLibrary,$FromLibrary);
This function validate the line of brachtransfer but with the wrong destination (mistake from a librarian ...), and create a new line in branchtransfer from the actual library to the original library of reservation
$items = UpdateHoldingbranch($branch,$itmenumber); Simple methode for updating hodlingbranch in items BDD line
$newdatedue = CheckValidDatedue($date_due,$itemnumber,$branchcode); this function return a new date due after checked if it's a repeatable or special holiday $date_due
= returndate calculate with no day check $itemnumber
= itemnumber $branchcode
= localisation of issue
$countrepeatable = CheckRepeatableHoliday($itemnumber,$week_day,$branchcode); this function check if the date due is a repeatable holiday $date_due
= returndate calculate with no day check $itemnumber
= itemnumber $branchcode
= localisation of issue
$countspecial = CheckSpecialHolidays($years,$month,$day,$itemnumber,$branchcode); this function check if the date is a special holiday $years
= the years of datedue $month
= the month of datedue $day
= the day of datedue $itemnumber
= itemnumber $branchcode
= localisation of issue
$countspecial = CheckRepeatableSpecialHolidays($month,$day,$itemnumber,$branchcode); this function check if the date is a repeatble special holidays $month
= the month of datedue $day
= the day of datedue $itemnumber
= itemnumber $branchcode
= localisation of issue
Koha Developement team <info@koha.org>