my $patrons = Koha::Patrons->search( ... ); $c->add_pagination_headers({ total => $patrons->count, params => { _page => ... _per_page => ... ... } });
Adds a Link header to the response message $c carries, following RFC5988, including the following relation types: 'prev', 'next', 'first' and 'last'. It also adds X-Total-Count, containing the total results count.
If page size is omitted, it defaults to the value of the RESTdefaultPageSize syspref.
$filter = $c->dbic_merge_pagination({ filter => $filter, params => { page => $params->{_page}, per_page => $params->{_per_page} } });
Adds page and rows elements to the filter parameter.
my $link = _build_link( $c, { page => 1, per_page => 5, rel => 'prev' });
Returns a string, suitable for using in Link headers following RFC5988.