Koha::XSLT::Security - Add security features to Koha::XSLT_Handler
use Koha::XSLT::Security; my $secu = Koha::XSLT::Security->new; $secu->register_callbacks; $secu->set_parser_options($parser);
This object allows you to apply security options to Koha::XSLT_Handler. It looks for parser options in koha-conf.xml.
Creates object, checks if koha-conf.xml contains additional configuration options, and checks if XML::LibXSLT::Security is present.
Register LibXSLT security callbacks
my $xslt = XML::LibXSLT->new; $security->set_callbacks( $xslt ); Apply registered callbacks to a specific xslt instance.
$security->set_parser_options($parser); If koha-conf.xml includes koha_xslt_security options, set them. We start with implementing expand_entities.
David Cook, Prosentient Systems Marcel de Rooy, Rijksmuseum Netherlands