my ( $filtered_params, $reserved_params ) = $c->extract_reserved_params($params);
Generates the DBIC query from the query parameters.
$attributes = $c->dbic_merge_sorting({ attributes => $attributes, params => $params });
Generates the DBIC order_by attributes based on $params, and merges into $attributes.
my $params = _build_query_params_from_api( $filtered_params, $reserved_params );
Builds the params for searching on DBIC based on the selected matching algorithm. Valid options are contains, starts_with, ends_with and exact. Default is contains. If other value is passed, a Koha::Exceptions::WrongParameter exception is raised.
my $reserved_words = _reserved_words();
my $order_atom = _build_order_atom( $string );
Parses $string and outputs data valid for using in SQL::Abstract order_by attribute according to the following rules:
string -> I<string> +string -> I<{ -asc => string }> -string -> I<{ -desc => string }>