Koha::Calendar - Object containing a branches calendar
use Koha::Calendar my $c = Koha::Calendar->new( branchcode => 'MAIN' ); my $dt = DateTime->now(); # are we open $open = $c->is_holiday($dt); # when will item be due if loan period = $dur (a DateTime::Duration object) $duedate = $c->addDate($dt,$dur,'days');
Implements those features of C4::Calendar needed for Staffs Rolling Loans
my $calendar = Koha::Calendar->new( branchcode => 'MAIN' );
The option branchcode is required
my $dt = $calendar->addDate($date, $dur, $unit)
is a DateTime object representing the starting date of the interval.
is a DateTime::Duration to add to it
is a string value 'days' or 'hours' toflag granularity of duration
Currently unit is only used to invoke Staffs return Monday at 10 am rule this parameter will be removed when issuingrules properly cope with that
my $dt = $calendar->addHours($date, $dur, $return_by_hour )
is a DateTime object representing the starting date of the interval.
is a DateTime::Duration to add to it
is an integer value representing the opening hour for the branch
my $amt = $calendar->get_push_amt($date)
is a DateTime object representing a closed return date
Using the days_mode syspref value and the nature of the closed return date, return how many days we should jump forward to find another return date
my $dt = $calendar->addDays($date, $dur)
is a DateTime object representing the starting date of the interval.
is a DateTime::Duration to add to it
is a string value 'days' or 'hours' toflag granularity of duration
Currently unit is only used to invoke Staffs return Monday at 10 am rule this parameter will be removed when issuingrules properly cope with that
my $rc = $self->single_holidays( $ymd );
Passed a $date in Ymd (yyyymmdd) format - returns 1 if date is a single_holiday, or 0 if not.
$yesno = $calendar->is_holiday($dt);
passed a DateTime object returns 1 if it is a closed day 0 if not according to the calendar
$duration = $calendar->days_between($start_dt, $end_dt);
Passed two dates returns a DateTime::Duration object measuring the length between them ignoring closed days. Always returns a positive number irrespective of the relative order of the parameters.
Note: This routine assumes neither the passed start_dt nor end_dt can be a closed day
$duration = $calendar->hours_between($start_dt, $end_dt);
Passed two dates returns a DateTime::Duration object measuring the length between them ignoring closed days. Always returns a positive number irrespective of the relative order of the parameters.
Note: This routine assumes neither the passed start_dt nor end_dt can be a closed day
$datetime = $calendar->next_open_days($duedate_dt, $to_add)
Passed a Datetime and number of days, returns another Datetime representing the next open day after adding the passed number of days. It is intended for use to calculate the due date when useDaysMode syspref is set to either 'Datedue', 'Calendar' or 'Dayweek'.
$datetime = $calendar->prev_open_days($duedate_dt, $to_sub)
Passed a Datetime and a number of days, returns another Datetime representing the previous open day after subtracting the number of passed days. It is intended for use to calculate the due date when useDaysMode syspref is set to either 'Datedue', 'Calendar' or 'Dayweek'.
For testing only allows the calling script to change days mode
In test mode changes the testing set of closed days to a new set with no closed days. TODO passing an array of closed days to this would allow testing of more configurations
Passed a datetime object this will add it to the calendar's list of closed days. This is for testing so that we can alter the Calenfar object's list of specified dates
Will croak if not passed a branchcode in new
This only contains a limited subset of the functionality in C4::Calendar Only enough to support Staffs Rolling loans
Colin Campbell colin.campbell@ptfs-europe.com
Copyright (c) 2011 PTFS-Europe Ltd All rights reserved
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.