

C4::Letters - Give functions for Letters management


  use C4::Letters;


  "Letters" is the tool used in Koha to manage informations sent to the patrons and/or the library. This include some cron jobs like
  late issues, as well as other tasks like sending a mail to users that have subscribed to a "serial issue alert" (= being warned every time a new issue has arrived at the library)

  Letters are managed through "alerts" sent by Koha on some events. All "alert" related functions are in this module too.


  $letters = &GetLetters($module);
  returns informations about letters.
  if needed, $module filters for letters given module


    my $letter_templates = GetLetterTemplates(
            module => 'circulation',
            code => 'my code',
            branchcode => 'CPL', # '' for default,

    Return a hashref of letter templates.


    my $letters = GetLettersAvailableForALibrary(
            branchcode => 'CPL', # '' for default
            module => 'circulation',

    Return an arrayref of letters, sorted by name.
    If a specific letter exist for the given branchcode, it will be retrieve.
    Otherwise the default letter will be.


            branchcode => 'CPL',
            module => 'circulation',
            code => 'my code',
            [ mtt => 'email', ]

    Delete the letter. The mtt parameter is facultative.
    If not given, all templates mathing the other parameters will be removed.

addalert ($borrowernumber, $type, $externalid)

    parameters : 
    - $borrowernumber : the number of the borrower subscribing to the alert
    - $type : the type of alert.
    - $externalid : the primary key of the object to put alert on. For issues, the alert is made on subscriptionid.
    create an alert and return the alertid (primary key)

delalert ($alertid)

    parameters :
    - alertid : the alert id
    deletes the alert

getalert ([$borrowernumber], [$type], [$externalid])

    parameters :
    - $borrowernumber : the number of the borrower subscribing to the alert
    - $type : the type of alert.
    - $externalid : the primary key of the object to put alert on. For issues, the alert is made on subscriptionid.
    all parameters NON mandatory. If a parameter is omitted, the query is done without the corresponding parameter. For example, without $externalid, returns all alerts for a borrower on a topic.

findrelatedto($type, $externalid)

    parameters :
    - $type : the type of alert
    - $externalid : the id of the "object" to query

    In the table alert, a "id" is stored in the externalid field. This "id" is related to another table, depending on the type of the alert.
    When type=issue, the id is related to a subscriptionid and this sub returns the name of the biblio.


    my $err = &SendAlerts($type, $externalid, $letter_code);

      - $type : the type of alert
      - $externalid : the id of the "object" to query
      - $letter_code : the notice template to use

    C<&SendAlerts> sends an email notice directly to a patron or a vendor.

    Currently it supports ($type):
      - claim serial issues (claimissues)
      - claim acquisition orders (claimacquisition)
      - send acquisition orders to the vendor (orderacquisition)
      - notify patrons about newly received serial issues (issue)
      - notify patrons when their account is created (members)

    Returns undef or { error => 'message } on failure.
    Returns true on success.

GetPreparedLetter( %params )

    %params hash:
      module => letter module, mandatory
      letter_code => letter code, mandatory
      branchcode => for letter selection, if missing default system letter taken
      tables => a hashref with table names as keys. Values are either:
        - a scalar - primary key value
        - an arrayref - primary key values
        - a hashref - full record
      substitute => custom substitution key/value pairs
      repeat => records to be substituted on consecutive lines:
        - an arrayref - tries to guess what needs substituting by
          taking remaining << >> tokensr; not recommended
        - a hashref token => @tables - replaces <token> << >> << >> </token>
          subtemplate for each @tables row; table is a hashref as above
      want_librarian => boolean,  if set to true triggers librarian details
        substitution from the userenv
    Return value:
      letter fields hashref (title & content useful)

_parseletter($letter, $table, $values)

    parameters :
    - $letter : a hash to letter fields (title & content useful)
    - $table : the Koha table to parse.
    - $values_in : table record hashref
    parse all fields from a table, and replace values in title & content with the appropriate value
    (not exported sub, used only internally)


  my $success = EnqueueLetter( { letter => $letter, 
        borrowernumber => '12', message_transport_type => 'email' } )

places a letter in the message_queue database table, which will eventually get processed (sent) by the process_message_queue.pl cronjob when it calls SendQueuedMessages.

return message_id on success

SendQueuedMessages ([$hashref])

    my $sent = SendQueuedMessages({
        letter_code => $letter_code,
        borrowernumber => $who_letter_is_for,
        limit => 50,
        verbose => 1,
        type => 'sms',

Sends all of the 'pending' items in the message queue, unless parameters are passed.

The letter_code, borrowernumber and limit parameters are used to build a parameter set for _get_unsent_messages, thus limiting which pending messages will be processed. They are all optional.

The verbose parameter can be used to generate debugging output. It is also optional.

Returns number of messages sent.


  my $message_list = GetRSSMessages( { limit => 10, borrowernumber => '14' } )

returns a listref of all queued RSS messages for a particular person.


  my $message_list = GetPrintMessages( { borrowernumber => $borrowernumber } )

Returns a arrayref of all queued print messages (optionally, for a particular person).

GetQueuedMessages ([$hashref])

  my $messages = GetQueuedMessage( { borrowernumber => '123', limit => 20 } );

fetches messages out of the message queue.

returns: list of hashes, each has represents a message in the message queue.


  my @mtt = GetMessageTransportTypes();

  returns an arrayref of transport types


    my $message = C4::Letters::Message($message_id);


  Attempt to resend a message which has failed previously.

  my $has_been_resent = C4::Letters::ResendMessage($message_id);

  Updates the message to 'pending' status so that
  it will be resent later on.

  returns 1 on success, 0 on failure, undef if no message was found


  named parameters:
  letter - the standard letter hashref
  attachments - listref of attachments. each attachment is a hashref of:
    type - the mime type, like 'text/plain'
    content - the actual attachment
    filename - the name of the attachment.
  message - a MIME::Lite object to attach these to.

  returns your letter object, with the content updated.


  This function's parameter hash reference takes the following
  optional named parameters:
   message_transport_type: method of message sending (e.g. email, sms, etc.)
   borrowernumber        : who the message is to be sent
   letter_code           : type of message being sent (e.g. PASSWORD_RESET)
   limit                 : maximum number of messages to send

  This function returns an array of matching hash referenced rows from
  message_queue with some borrower information added.


    my $item = Koha::Items->find(...)->unblessed;
    my @item_content_fields = qw( date_due title barcode author itemnumber );
    my $item_content = C4::Letters::get_item_content({
                             item => $item,
                             item_content_fields => \@item_content_fields

This function generates a tab-separated list of values for the passed item. Dates are formatted following the current setup.
