Koha::Patron::Modifications->AddModifications( $data );
Adds or updates modifications for a patron
Requires either the key borrowernumber, or verification_token to be part of the passed in hash.
$verified = Koha::Patron::Modifications->Verify( $verification_token );
Returns true if the passed in token is valid.
$count = Koha::Patron::Modifications->GetPendingModificationsCount();
Returns the number of pending modifications for existing patron.
$arrayref = Koha::Patron::Modifications->GetPendingModifications();
Returns an arrayref of hashrefs for all pending modifications for existing patrons.
Koha::Patron::Modifications->ApproveModifications( $borrowernumber );
Commits the pending modifications to the borrower record and removes them from the modifications table.
Koha::Patron::Modifications->DenyModifications( $borrowernumber );
Removes the modifications from the table for the given patron, without committing the changes to the patron record.
Koha::Patron::Modifications->DelModifications({ [ borrowernumber => $borrowernumber ], [ verification_token => $verification_token ] });
Deletes the modifications for the given borrowernumber or verification token.
$hashref = Koha::Patron::Modifications->GetModifications({ [ borrowernumber => $borrowernumber ], [ verification_token => $verification_token ] });
Gets the modifications for the given borrowernumber or verification token.